Where is the office located?

3497 Iris Court Boulder, CO 80304

You will come to the back of the culdesac and see three parking spots with a set of wooden chairs and a table amongst the trees.

You will text me 303-579-3841 when you arrive here and I will come to get you and bring you around to my home office.

If you choose to wait while we are in session, you may wait in the waiting room next to my play therapy room or you can sit at the wooden chairs or go to Pine View park behind the house.


Where do I park?

When you arrive you will park in the small lot at the back of the cul-du-sac or along the side of the road. Please text me when you arrive and I will come outside to meet you and guide you in. If you are early, there is a small park in the back or outdoor seating by the parking lot.

With what age range do you work?

I work with parents with children 4 months to 10 years old.

Do you work with children with separated parents?

Yes, I do work with children with separated parents. Both parents must consent to play therapy for their child unless one parent has full medical decision-making custody.  

The parents must decide between themselves who will be the parent designated as the sole financially responsible party to pay in full using their credit card on file. I will only hold a single cc on file.

Both parents will have access to information related to the child’s sessions.

Parents can choose to have joint parent phone calls or individual calls. Individual sessions will be kept confidential as each parent is considered an individual client.

What are your office hours?

For current availability and fees please schedule a 20-minute introduction call.

For current clients, the best way to reach me is through text message at the following number: 303-579-3841

How do I make an appointment and schedule a session?

New prospective clients can make an introduction phone appointment online. For existing clients, you can make an appointment online or you can email info@shuteyecounseling.com.

What happens after my 20-minute introduction call?

Towards the end of your 20-minute introduction call, I can assist you in making your first appointment or you can schedule online with this link.

If you are an existing client and want a single consultation, you can schedule one here.

Protocol for COVID and other health related issues?

If your child is not feeling well within the 24 hours leading up to our session, please let me know as soon as you are able. If your child is feeling well enough, there is the possibility of doing a virtual session, otherwise, I encourage you to use the time for a parent session. 

Currently, all children are being seen in person, however, parents will be contacted over the phone.  The children and I will be washing our hands before and after each session.

How long is a typical session?

A child’s play therapy session is 45 minutes.

A parenting or sleep consult phone session is 50 minutes, and follow-up sessions are 20 minutes.

What do I do to get started?

Click on this link to schedule a complimentary 20-minute phone call with me.

What is the hourly fee?

For current availability and fees please schedule a 20-minute introduction call.

How do I pay?

For sleep consultations or parent check-ins, you will pay at the time of scheduling.

For play therapy clients you will be invoiced through our client portal.

Do you accept insurance?

I do not accept insurance. We will supply you with the appropriate paperwork to submit to your insurance if needed.

Do you accept payment from an HSA?

Yes, I do. Please contact me for more information.

Can you help me file my insurance?

I will supply you with the appropriate paperwork to submit to your insurance.

Are there other things I should know about your office?

My office is located on the garden level of my home with a separate entrance to the waiting room. I will be the only practitioner working in this space.

Can I cancel an appointment?

You may always cancel if needed. I ask that you follow the same guidelines for sick children as the school system. If you are not bringing your child in because he/she is ill, please let me know as soon as possible.

I ask that if you can and are available, use the time allotted for a phone parent session. I trust that you will not abuse my cancellation policy. 

The first missed appointment will not result in any fee, however, all following missed appointments will result in a $30 charge unless you cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled appointment. The time is reserved for you and cannot be used for other purposes unless sufficient notice is provided. If you do not reschedule for a session later in the week you will be charged $30. If you are late for an appointment, I will do my best to accommodate for a full session; however, I may need to end the session at the scheduled time, and you will still be charged for the full session.

What is a free initial phone consultation?

Your first free initial phone conversation is 20 minutes long. This phone call will provide an overview of our services that reflect the needs of you and your family.

Are you LGBTQIA friendly?

I consider my practice to be LGBTQIA-inclusive, welcoming, and affirming. I ask that you hold me accountable for my intentions and let me know how I could do better through feedback.


How do you feel about CIO?

I think there is a time and place for the Extinction Method of sleep training. However, I strongly recommend that parents stay in contact with their children when sleep training.

I do not have a No Tears method. I believe tears are a part of emotional expression along the spectrum of emotion. I encourage parents to discover the ways in which we can still be in relationship and bond even when one or both of us are crying. 

Love and attachment are deep and profound experiences that cannot be shattered or developed in one moment. It is a series of moments and connections that build attachment. 

Will you send me a written sleep plan?

I do not provide written sleep plans. I found that parents are more successful when they take their own notes during our conversations, highlighting what is helpful for them.

What’s your success rate?

Every family has a different definition of success. It is my intention to support the family until they have achieved their goals, or they at least have built the confidence to make decisions moving forward that support their goals.

Do you work with co-sleepers?


Do you work with exclusively breastfed babies?


Do you work with multiples?

Working with multiples is tricky. Usually, I would usually recommend finding someone in your area that specializes in working with multiples. If you are unaware of someone in your area I highly recommend Keirsten Hanson whose practice can be found here.

Do you work with toddlers?

Yes, believe it or not, I love working with toddlers. If you live in the area, I’d be happy to see you and your child in my playroom. If you live far away, even overseas, I can support you as you navigate the terrible twos and terrorizing threes into terrific twos and threes.  


What is play therapy?

Play Therapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses play as a way for children (or adults) to communicate their feelings. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/contemporary-psychoanalysis-in-action/201601/child-s-play-how-play-therapy-works

What can I expect in the first session?

I encourage parents to come in for an initial session without their child to familiarize themselves with the space. This will allow us some time to connect without being distracted, learn more about one another and your needs, and go into more detail about the process of play therapy.

Do I come in the session with my child?

If your child wants you in the room, you are welcome to come back. I will ask you to fully participate in the process until they tell you it’s ok to leave. Don’t worry, I will coach you along the way.

What do I tell my child before coming to play therapy?

Play therapy is your child’s opportunity to fully express themselves in whatever way they need to in order to feel at their best.

You can offer something like, “You are going to have your own playtime to do whatever you want to do to feel great.” Most children don’t need much more introduction than this.

If there is still trepidation, it is important that you validate their feelings in a calm manner. I get that you are nervous to go to a new spot and meet someone new. It’s important for you to have your own special time, so we are going to go and check it out.

Your child’s participation is a gift, not a punishment. If your child perceives this experience as punishment for their behavior or if they feel that they are responsible for your “fixing” any current issues, they will most likely be resistant to the process; and it will take longer for them to develop trust with me.

What should my child call you?

They can call me Jessica, Miss Jessica, or Mrs. Schaffer, whichever. The way that you encourage your child to address adults is how they can address me, too. In therapy, a child may call me anything they like.

Do you offer video or phone sessions?

If you are out of town, I prefer phone sessions with my clients. My rate is the same if you were to come and see me in person or talk over the phone. I have more availability for phone conversations than in-person sessions.

What kind of groups do you have in your practice?

I currently do not have group services.

Is our work confidential?



How long have you been in practice?

I began my practice when pregnant with my second child.

Have you been in therapy yourself?

Yes, I’ve seen therapists since my mother’s early passing in 2004. They were and continue to be very supportive people in my life.

I also had my own children in Play Therapy and Occupational Therapy, and continue to utilize professional advice along the rocky road of parenting.

What is the best way to get in touch with you?

You can schedule a 20-minute introduction call on my website or click the button below. If you need to reach me sooner, you can text me directly.

Book 20-Minute Call

Do you prescribe medications?

I do not; however, I will refer you to Pediatric Psychiatrist Amanda Ferrel at admin@wellnesspsychiatryco.com.

Are you licensed?

I am a registered psychotherapist, a certified Synergetic Play Therapist, and a certified sleep consultant. I am not licensed in any state except Colorado.

Am I allowed to ask personal questions?

You can always ask. 

What apps make your life better?

Pinterest, Amazon Prime, Chess with Friends, and Audible are my favorite apps.

Cats or Dogs?

Cats! Here is a fun fact. Before I became a counselor, I was actually a dog trainer.